Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oni + Cory | Indianapolis Couples Photography

"If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love."
~Maya Angelou

I know, it is a shame-I have been neglecting this little space-my blog. {SIGH} I am completely full for the month of October and I only have a few openings left for November. Unfortunately, blogging is going to have to take a back seat for awhile as I need to spend my time editing proofing galleries and fulfilling orders.

I did want to share with you this recent session of Oni and Corey, only because it is a couple's session....I haven't posted one of these for some time. I love me some quick, giggling kiddos-but I am equally passionate about couple's portrait sessions.

These kinds of images give me a nice break and let me experiment with light, composition and most importantly I get to think out of that B O X! Remember, this has been one of my 2011 goals and I am so pleased that I am sticking to it!

I really hope this sweet pair of lovebirds enjoys their proofing gallery, because as always, I like to save the best images for online galleries! ;-)




I'm Katherine, thanks so much for visiting my blog!
I'm an Indianapolis based fine art portrait photographer. I use only available light, shoot mostly "on-location" and I strive to provide you with candid imagery, as life unfolds-with a unique perspective coupled with a fresh twist.



All images are copyrighted by Katherine Scheele and are protected by federal law.

Do not use without photographer's written permission.

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